Doing Business in wilmington, vt
If you are reading this, you probably already know that there is something special about Vermont! Those of us who live here in Wilmington give many reasons for moving 'from away,' staying here for generations, or moving back home to raise families. The beauty of our seasons, the easy access to a year-round active lifestyle, the freedom our children enjoy as they grow up in a safe and neighborly community, the high level of community involvement, the environmental consciousness of our government and population: these are just a few reasons to be here!
Wilmington has a large number of second-home owners in addition to year-round local residents and the many, many seasonal visitors who travel through town.
Did we mention that Vermonters are committed to 'shopping local' and supporting independent merchants, services, and local producers? What better place to operate your own business?
The Downtown Program works throughout the state to bring resources (tax credits and grants) and training and technical services to help affiliated or "designated" downtown organizations preserve and revitalize historic downtowns and create strong communities.
From the basics of the Main Street Approach® to advanced downtown development strategies, the downtown program in Vermont offers educational and specialized on site services to support the network of designated downtowns. The program also organizes workshops and quarterly network meetings and assists in the coordination of the annual Historic Preservation and Downtown Conference.
Federal and state tax credits support general rehabilitation, code compliance, and exterior improvements. In some cases, projects may be eligible for both federal and state programs to maintain the historic character of buildings. The project must be completed before you get the tax credit. Applications are competitive and Wilmington Works will assist with the application process. These credits can be turned into cash for about .10cent on the dollar.
Municipalities and the developer of qualified projects may jointly apply to the Downtown Board for a reallocation of sales taxes on construction materials. Qualified projects must spend over $100,000 in materials. The reallocated sales taxes are awarded to the municipality to support the qualified project. Typically, the program funds infrastructure improvements like expanded sewer and water service, new stormwater controls, sidewalks, and other streetscape projects.
This loan program is designed to encourage business growth within Wilmington, providing up to $20,000, flexible repayment options, and offer low interest rates to applicants.
This tax policy is effective for commercial and industrial properties of significant renovation and only for municipal taxes. The agreement stabilizes your tax assessment for a period of 10 years with incremental increases starting in year 4.
Go to the VT Secretary of State's website, where you can check to see if your proposed business name is available (and register it): https://sos.vermont.gov/corporations/registration/ for a full guide to how to register with the State.
As part of the process, you should check in with an attorney and/or an accountant, who can answer any questions about what type of business structure is best for you.
Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) with the IRS. You an do this online, LINK
Start Here
Do I need a permit?
SIGNS - You will need to get your proposed business signage approved and permitted by Wilmington's Zoning Administrator. Call the Zoning office at (802)464-8591, ext 124, and they will be happy to assist.
BUILDING WORK/CHANGE OF USE - If you plan to make any alterations to the outside of your building (owned or leased), or the last use of your space was different than what you plan to do (for example: it was an office and now you want to start a retail store) start by checking in with the Zoning Administrator to see if you need a permit, or a hearing before the Development Review Board, before beginning your project. (802)464- 8591, ex 124
Small Business Help
Wilmington's Economic Development Specialist, Gretchen Havreluk, is a great place to start. She has several private, local, state and federal resources available to help businesses with any challenges they may encounter.
Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) is a regional resource for entrepreneurs and small business support.
Vermont Small Business Development Center (VtSBDC) provides professional expertise and friendly guidance.
The Southern VT Deerfield Valley Chamber of Commerce is a resource for advertising, networking, and many other helpful programs that support businesses in the Deerfield Valley.